Information & Data Modeling
I have a particular passion for information & content driven websites, with an emphasis on structured data & enter once, display many times architecture whenever possible.
Custom Training/Consulting
I use a holistic training by doing approach: guiding clients as they work on their own projects rather than textbook exercises, so training time is also development/project time—a kind of "pair programming" for site development that enhances learning & retention.
Web Technologies: Drupal, Stanford Sites, AEM, and more
I have been using Drupal since December 2007, and currently work mainly with Drupal 7 and Drupal 9 sites (with an occasional foray into legacy Drupal 6 sites). I run monthly (free!) Stanford Drupallers Drop-in Help sessions, so I have a lot of experience with Stanford Sites. Before Drupal, I used Dreamweaver (with heavy use of server side includes & sometimes custom PHP). My very first website was built in 1996, hand-coded in a plain text editor. In the last few years I've also worked with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) as implemented at Stanford School of Medicine.
Sometimes the best approach for your project & circumstances will not be any of these technologies, and when this is the case I can help you figure out what would be.
How it works & hiring
Currently, all consulting & training sessions are conducted remotely (via Zoom web conferencing). I just need to see your screen or share mine and talk to you.
Site development work & consulting research are also conducted remotely.
I am a part-time employee of Stanford University and regularly work with Stanford departments and groups, hosted on Stanford Sites or independently (e.g., at Pantheon or Acquia). Stanford faculty and staff may see Hiring details for more specifics, including rates.
Non-Stanford projects
Need help with a non-Stanford project? I can help with that, too! See SK+.